How Accessible to Us Is God?

God has made Himself so accessible we have no excuse for not interacting with Him. Here are just twelve reasons why this is true.

1. The Bible is the most sold book in the world. The entire Bible has been translated into over 600 languages and is accessible at local stores including Walmart, the Dollar Tree and Dollar General. The Bible can be found for under a dollar. The Bible carries 66 books in it and is the foundation for our understanding of who the One and true God is.

2. The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19). The sky itself communicates, day and night, that God exists. The amazing thing about this is that the Bible itself states that the "heavens" do this without using words or a particular language.

3. Mankind is made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). This means that we look like God. Every man, woman and child has God's imprint on them. We share in His DNA. So every time we are looking at a newborn, our spouse, our best friend, our coworker etc. we are looking at the face of God. Jesus Himself said that when we saw Him we saw God. (John 14:9)

4. Eternity is inside of us. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He has set eternity in the hearts of men yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Every person has a longing inside them for things to last forever. Where did this longing come from if everything that we can see is temporary? It came from an invisible God who loves us very much. Everything we can see is temporal but everything we cannot see is eternal (2nd Corinthians 4:18)

5. God designed creation and set us in it so that His divine nature and eternal power would be clearly seen. "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."- Romans 1:20

6. God inspired the creation of the internet; a gateway to global interconnection. This web spans continents, countries and counties, enabling much of mankind not only to gain wisdom and knowledge about who God is from one another but search the Scriptures, define words, hear testimonies and witness miracles just by typing in a few words. We have no excuse!

7. God has taken the initiative and has pursued us since the fall of man. Since the hour that Adam fell it was God who asked, "Where are you?" This question pertains to our own spiritual state now: "Where are you?"

8. God enters our lives through dreams. God has constructed man with the ability to slip into a realm of sleep that makes him more vulnerable to the supernatural realm where God can speak freely.

9. God has set you in this particular time period intentionally (Acts 17:26). God has predetermined where we would live and during which time period. Why did God do this? The Bible says that "God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any of us." -Acts 17:27

10. God has placed people in your life to lead you to Him. God loves you so much that He will actually brings someone to you in order for you to gain understanding concerning who He is. (Acts 8:26-40). God loves you so much that He will even transport someone to you, have them elaborate on what He is communicating to you, then transport them back to where they were. All just for you!

11. God has given us His very own Spirit! Anyone who does not have the Spirit of God can ask for Him and He will give Him liberally.

12. If you don't know God intimately, and have read through this blog, it is a good indication that God, once again, has intervened on your behalf and is lovingly calling you to Him In other words, the author of this blog has been sent, by God, for your sake. He is using me to get to you. That's how much He loves you! You have no excuse. Engage Him today!

I have to add one more to this brief list.


God has given you a voice, even if it is muted, in order for you to talk to Him. God is the only being I know who wants you to talk to Him ALL the time. He says 1st Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing. Prayer is one of the most powerful life streams God has provided in order to flow His life to you and back. Prayer is a portal; a gateway to the wells of the River of Life. Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life. Amen.

Photo by Lily Graciela Garay


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