Prayer of Tranformation
Lord Jesus, You will be hallowed
in us! Cleanse us with clean water from any and all filthiness and from every
single idol; anything that eclipses our love for You Jesus. Father of Glory,
give us new hearts and put a fresh and new anointing within us. Father, give us
a heart of flesh and not of stone. Place Your Holy Spirit upon us permanently
for Your purposes. When You do O’ Lord, we will walk in Your statutes, we will
keep Your judgments and we will do them. We will fulfill ALL Your pleasure.
Father of Glory, You placed Your Spirit upon Saul and he became a different
person. I ask, Father, for Your Spirit to be placed upon us to turn us into
someone else. I ask that we would hear Your voice ALL THE TIME. We want to see
You, Perceive You, Know You, Feel You. And I speak Your words O’ Lord,
“Then the Spirit of
the LORD will come upon you,
and you will prophesy
with them
and be turned into
another man.”
Jesus, may we never be unequally
yoked with this world. Master, take the yoke of the world from our necks, place
the oil of Your anointing within us. So much so that the fatness of ALL Your
goodness bursts the yoke! Give us Your yoke that is easy and Your burden that
is light!!! Father of Glory, fill us with Jesus! Make us like Him. And Father,
fill us with the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we will know You
better Jesus. Amen and Amen.
Ezekiel 36:25-27
1st Samuel
Isaiah 10:27
Ephesians 1:17
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