
Showing posts from February, 2018

See What I'm Saying?

See What I’m Saying? Whenever we are presented with an image our eyes and mind automatically try to make sense of it. This happens naturally and it happens because of the way our minds have been trained. When we view a painting the first thing we want to ask is, “What is it?” or “What does this mean?” Somewhere in our life someone may have directed our attention to the sky and said, “See that sail boat in the ocean?” or “That looks just like a dinosaur”. There are times, though, when it would be good to have friends who simply say, “This really speaks to me. What do you see when you look at it?” This is an invitation to engage one another and an invitation to perceive the world around us differently. When my oldest son presents a drawing of his to me I have learned that if I tell him what I see I will probably get it wrong which may or may not frustrate him depending on the day he is having. But if I kneel down, hold the colorful piece of paper and say, “This is beautiful Andr...

Arrival & The Profundity of God

Originally written on November 12th, 2016 After watching Arrival a few thoughts flooded my mind that I have been ruminating through for the past eight hours. How does God view time? The fact that our dreaming is one of the primary ways in which God speaks to us is profound. Oracles of the Lord are often caught in this place between humanity and divinity. Do they know what they are speaking or writing when they do? Was Isaiah aware that Cyrus had not even been born? In fact, God’s people had not yet been oppressed by Babylon when he prophesied that as king Cyrus would deliver them from said bondage? The Lord speaks within the confines of our time. He is not only standing at the beginning of our time and the end of it, He IS the beginning and end of it. He is already where I am going and stands before where I have been. I am rendered speechless in my finiteness as I wonder these things in the Presence of the infinite Person, God the Mountain. The greatest meaning that I have...

Hawks and Owls: Prophetic Symbols of Prophets and Seers

The spirit of wisdom and revelation described in Ephesians 1:17 is an anointing that points us towards knowing Jesus. The anointing of wisdom and revelation is sometimes symbolized as an owl and a hawk together. Here are a few reasons why: Day and Night The hawk hunts during the day. This speaks of illumination that is far reaching. They have prophetic insight. The owl hunts at night. It searches out the deep things of God and understands riddles and dark sayings. It unravels problems. It shines a light on things concealed and brings wisdom to them.  Sight The hawk has incredible vision and can see its prey up to two miles away. This speaks of the hawks ability to perceive future events. The owl can see in the dark. It's perspective is most useful concerning hidden and concealed things, even more so than distant or futuristic things. The hawk sees far away. The owl sees deeply. Birds of Prey Both hawks and owls are birds of prey. Hawks swoop down from a very hig...

Prayer of Tranformation

PRAYER OF TRANSFORMATION Lord Jesus, You will be hallowed in us! Cleanse us with clean water from any and all filthiness and from every single idol; anything that eclipses our love for You Jesus. Father of Glory, give us new hearts and put a fresh and new anointing within us. Father, give us a heart of flesh and not of stone. Place Your Holy Spirit upon us permanently for Your purposes. When You do O’ Lord, we will walk in Your statutes, we will keep Your judgments and we will do them. We will fulfill ALL Your pleasure. Father of Glory, You placed Your Spirit upon Saul and he became a different person. I ask, Father, for Your Spirit to be placed upon us to turn us into someone else. I ask that we would hear Your voice ALL THE TIME. We want to see You, Perceive You, Know You, Feel You. And I speak Your words O’ Lord, “Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.” Jesus, may we never be unequally yok...