
Two years ago the Lord began to speak to us about moving to Alaska. The focus for us moving there would be to minister, particularly to the native people, all over Baranof Island and beyond. The Lord spoke to us specifically about the City of Sitka. Since that time we have prayed, almost daily, into the purposes and plans of God for the people there. He has spoken to us through visions, license plates, His Voice, movies, signs, and people that we've randomly bumped into. We have had prophets in the Body of Christ, especially our best friend Cynthia Branham, prophesy over us often concerning this wondrous place. Bethany actually traveled to Alaska some 20 years ago this summer to minister through the Teen Mania organization. I have never been to Alaska but in my whole 20 years of being a believer the Lord has only spoken to me about the president as much as He has spoken to me about this place! My destiny and promise lies in this land. We have been making practical preparations ...