
Showing posts from November, 2018

Prophecy Makes Space

Prophetic words from the Lord create a space for us to occupy. Prophecy cuts through the tall weeds of doubt, fear, defeat and so forth to make a fresh lot for us to step into and inhabit. Essentially, the prophetic has a way of mowing down a plot of new territory for us to live in. When prophecy comes to us, particularly words from the Lord that are to a church as a whole more than to an individual, it grants us the opportunity to believe for something, as a unit, that we may not have believed for before. Prophecy does the same thing for an individual or family but is even more interesting to observe and pray into when it involves a specific house of the Lord. The reason for this is that you can begin to see individuals, those whose faith is stirred and who believe the word, connect with others in the Body to see the prophetic word brought to pass. The Word of the Lord will begin to, in many cases, immediately prune the Body of those who disagree with it; those who do not believe the ...